Resumen De El Estado De La Obesidad Latina

(Directs to LinkedIn) Originally Published March 25, 2015. En los Estados Unidos (USA), la población latina continua creciendo a una velocidad tan rápida que en el año 2030, uno de cada tres niños sera latino. Esta figura es demasiadamente preocupante cuando...

How I Used Technology To Manage My Health

(Directs to LinkedIn) Originally Published March 24, 2015. Like nearly all Millennials, I am heavily dependent on technology and the conveniences it brings me. One such convenience, is the ability to easily track my health habits and progress. Over a three month...

Open Media Foundation Newsletter Redesign

This is a proposed email newsletter redesign generated to showcase the content in an organized “newsfeed” format. The red logo used in my redesign was a new logo recently announced by OMF. Actual Newsletter Design OMF-Actual_April_Newsletter Proposed...